Let's Focus Here

[Hypothetically] You have a deadline to write an essay, so you decide to work on it. You sat down on your desk and opened the notebook. A few minutes later, your phone beeps, your friend has shared a reel. You opened the chat to check it out but ended up scrolling for 15 mins.

I am sure something like this has happened to you before. I used to get distracted a lot, and most of the people I meet with tell me that it happens to them far too often. So what to do?

Hello Reader, this is Haris & you're reading the third issue of Mentoraven.

[A golden tip at the end]

Here's the Tippni

1. Get your Phone outta there.

The urge to check out our phones has never been higher. The current boom of reels and social media is keeping us occupied. Moreover, it has become a habit to check out Instagram/WhatsApp. So put your phone on silent/switch off and place that piece of technology far away. Preferably in another room.

2. The Boring Wave.

Distractions come in waves. It's the moment when your work has become tiring, and the urge to do something else is knocking on your brain. NOW? Close your eyes. Breathe in for two seconds, then breathe out for two seconds. If the urge continues, repeat until you scare it away.

3. Get a to-do list running.

When we put an overview on the table, we can say that we've got a lot to do, But most of the time, we end up doing 30-40% of it. WHY? Because our tasks are not organized. When working on one assignment, it's easy to forget about another. Keeping a planner or digital calendar will help you keep track of your work. One study suggests that the simple act of writing things out helps boost your concentration and memory.

4. Say goodbye to procrastination.

Defeat procrastination by breaking a large project into small pieces. It's more manageable to do something in smaller tasks rather than going for a huge one.

5. Surroundings and Noise

Some prefer to work with some background noise, while some require pin drop silence [MEEEE]. Try out white noise music for background music and noise cancelation headphones for shanti.

Clean your desk. Remove all the unnecessary items and place the things you require for the current task only.


Pomodoro Technique:

An Italian student decided to measure his 25 minutes sessions by his tomato-shaped kitchen timer and invented the Pomodoro Technique.

Step 1: Plan what you want to do. For example, you have to study a chapter.

Step 2: Take out a timer. [Buy one or use mobile/laptop]. Put on a timer for 25 minutes and get to work. The session must be uninterrupted or else increase the timer. Work on the tasks you plan to complete and keep working until the timer rings. You can disable any app or program that may interrupt your workflow or break your concentration.

Step3: When the timer rings, take a break for 5 minutes. And then repeat the 25 minutes session.

Step 4: After doing 4 Pomodoro sessions, take a break of 15 minutes. And then proceed to initiate 4 other regular Pomodoro sessions.

Pomodoro Technique has proven to be efficient, but it's not universal. Not all the tasks can be adjusted to the Pomodoro Technique, but most of them can.

Content of the Week

1. Photo of the Week

Tried Coffee Art - Looks like he's not happy

2. Video of the Week

*End of the Newsletter*


Hi! This is Haris from Hireaven

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