I doubt you

When was the last time you doubted yourself? If you ask me, I would say maybe 10 minutes before sending this Newsletter. But isn't it bad for us? Well, you'll find it out in this Newsletter. Hello Reader, this is Haris & you're reading the 5th issue of Mentoraven.


Let's say you're in a brain-storm meeting with your team about how to attract more clients. Everyone is putting up valuable insights & you also have a great idea in your mind. But you start to doubt yourself, whether it's worth it or not. That moment of feeling 'unworthy' is Self-doubt.

What causes Self-doubt?

Self-doubt is a compound equation of lack of confidence with the variables of past mistakes, upbringing, comparison with peers, and fear of failure.

But Isn't It Natural to Doubt?

YES! It is a fixed human trait to doubt ourselves and our decisions. But relative when it comes to controlling how much. "A certain level of self-doubt is good because it indicates that you understand what you need to improve to do a better job. However, persistent fear and self-doubt can hugely affect your life in a bad way". - Anna Y.T Chui.

How to kick Self-doubt?

1. Calm down

We all have positive and negative voices in our heads & it's on us whom to listen.

2. Self Validation!

Once I heard Ankur Warikoo saying, "We are what we tell ourselves." We need to appreciate ourselves for what we are and can do.

3. It's not the failure

You failed. Okay so? Embarrassed? Everyone will think less of you? Why do you care? You work for yourself, earn for yourself, take care of yourself & you let it all go because some guys don't even know what you are doing?

4. Learning Perspective

When I witness something challenging, I don't see it as a difficult opportunity. It's my opportunity to learn. We need to change our perception of failure. It's nothing but a hurdle telling us to be more careful. Even if we fail, we'll know how not to do it. :)

5. Tell your friends to subscribe this Newsletter

Yes, it will work. :D

Content Of The WEEEEK

1. Picture of the Week

Can't hurt me is the autobiography of David Goggins and here's the review I wrote.

2. Video of the Week

Yep, it's me making this recipe. There was a time when the whole generation thought of having a YouTube career. LOL.

*End of the Newsletter*

Hi! This is Haris from Hireaven

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